Funkcje TrackGecko

TrackGecko zawiera setki funcji umożliwiających konfigurację Twojego Programu Partnerskiego zgodnie z indywidualnymi potrzebami.

Simple PDF banners (HTML 2 PDF)

Simple PDF banners is a unique promotional tool implemented in TrackGecko, which allows you to create easily customizable PDF documents for your affiliates.

Documents are generated from text (HTML), which merchants can edit in a WYSIWYG editor, directly in the banner detail. Also supported are basic text formats such as bold, italic or underlined text.

It has never been easier for merchants to create PDF document for their affiliates. Merchants can use predefined constants in text (e.g. affiliate’s first name, last name, user name or other affiliate’s data fields), which are replaced with real values when the affiliate downloads PDF documents.

The following image shows how easy it is to create PDF documents for merchants:

Affiliates can directly download personalized PDF documents generated by TrackGecko, from text defined by merchants in Simple PDF banner.

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